Research No: 11
Evaluating the Impacts of Social Media Usage on Motivated Consumer Innovativeness
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of social media usage on motivated consumer innovativeness. For the related purpose, the Onikişubat district of Kahramanmaraş province of Turkey was chosen as the research universe. A field study was carried out on a sample selected by the convenience sampling method. An electronic questionnaire was filled by individuals who lives in the specified place. Statistical analyzes were carried out and interpreted on the data obtained from the 520 available questionnaires. According to one of the results, the social media usage rates, frequencies and competencies of the participants positively affect their motivated consumer innovativeness levels. In addition, it has been determined that the perceptions of the mentioned variables positively affect socially motivated consumer innovativeness levels. However, unlike other social media variables, social media usage competencies of individuals affect functionally motivated consumer innovativeness in a significant and positive way.
Keywords: Innovation, Consumer Innovativeness, Social Media Usage.
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Evaluating the Impacts of Social Media Usage on Motivated Consumer Innovativeness
📍 Lecturer Oğuz Emre BALKAR, Erzincan University, Yalnızbağ Campus, Vocational College, 24000, Erzincan, TÜRKİYE
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